Different Types of Mobility Aids And Which One Is Right For You

No matter what kind of mobility issue or disability you have, the positive facts are that there are more opportunities for getting out and around than there have ever been before. When you think about the different kinds of accessories and equipment that previous generations had at their disposal, the list pretty much started and ended with walking sticks and wheelchairs.

Thankfully, here at Balance Mobility, we have a number of different options available to our customers, and we can’t wait for you to come and check them out.

With that in mind, here are some of the different types of mobility aids that we have available, and why they could be right for you.

Motorised Adjustable Beds

Mobility isn’t just something to consider when out of the house. We have a range of beds that can help you to be more comfortable and more secure in your independence during the night and in the mornings.

The main feature is the ability of the beds to bend and move forward and upwards to support you as you move in and out, as well as give you the chance to set your perfect recline position.

Motor Scooters

Daily use of a manual wheelchair can be very gruelling on the body, which makes an electric scooter or power chair a much more desirable option.

An easy-to-use scooter gives a less mobile person ultimate freedom to run things like daily errands and make local trips without having to ask for assistance from others.

Patient Handling

If you have serious mobility issues that affect your ability to be moved within your home, then the use of a large patient handling system can be invaluable.

This is a vital addition for home carers to be able to move patients/residents safely and securely from their beds and other resting places to wheelchairs etc. It offers an extra layer of confidence and ease.

So, if you are in search of some new mobility aids to enhance the quality of your everyday life, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at Balance Mobility. 

All of our team members are fully trained and experienced in the various elements of mobility service and equipment, and they will be more than happy to answer any specific questions that you might have.

We look forward to getting you a mobile!


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