Different Types of Manual Wheelchairs: Which One Is Best?

Man Sitting In A Wheelchair — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

There are a lot of things you need to consider when buying a manual wheelchair, but how do you know which chair is best suited to your needs? When looking for a chair, it’s important you know exactly what you’re in the market for and what options are available. Read on to learn more about […]

Important Questions To Ask When Buying a Wheelchair

Man Talking To His Caregiver Sitting in A Wheelchair — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

Using a mobility aid, like a wheelchair, offers users a new sense of freedom and independence. There’s no doubt that having a wheelchair is important for those with limited mobility. However, wheelchairs can be a big investment, with even a simple, no-frills chair costing around $500. With that price rising sharply with every additional feature, […]

How Do You Transport A Power Wheelchair?

Power Wheelchair — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

Getting a power wheelchair can be something that gives you incredible freedom to go to more places and do more things. However, one thing you do need to consider is how you will transport your power wheelchair. This might not be the easiest thing in the world and it is definitely something you need to […]

What are the Different Types of Wheelchairs?

Wheelchair Sports — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

The humble wheelchair may not seem like a hotbed of innovation, but you’d be wrong. Over the last decade, a range of new wheelchair technologies has to come to market which means wheelchair users today have more choice than ever before. So in this blog, we thought we’d summarise the most popular wheelchair types. This […]

The Different Ways Manual Wheelchairs Increase Your Independence

Disabled Student At Library — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

For those among us who are differently abled and have certain issues with their mobility, wheelchairs have long been one of the most popular aids and accessories that can help to bring a better quality of life for the user. Here at Balance Mobility, we have seen first-hand the kinds of positive changes that a […]

Stay Active With Wheelchair-Friendly Sports!

Wheelchair Sports — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

Every four years, the world gets to experience the amazing levels of sport that differently abled individuals are able to compete at in the Paralympic Games, but the fact is that this kind of sport is going on every day of the year, every single year! If you have been in a wheelchair for a […]

Manual Wheelchair Maintenance Tips

Mobility Scooter — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

Save money, effort, time and trouble by keeping your wheelchair properly maintained. Here are a few short tips from the crew at Balance Mobility to help you keep your wheelchairs maintained. Do not simply take the advice of this article, take the time and do your research into your brand of chair to be sure […]

Mobility Scooters And Public Transport

Older Man On Mobility Scooter — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

Thankfully, as this point in the 21st century, we have as a society become much more aware of the needs and requirements of people who use aids like wheelchairs and mobility scooters. The majority of buildings and outdoor areas now have lots of provisions put in place for mobility needs, but sadly one area that […]

How to Travel The World In A Wheelchair

Lady With Grandchild — Mobility Shop In Tweed Heads, NSW

When it comes to travelling the world, we don’t think that something like having to use a wheelchair should get in the way of your adventure ambitions! Sure, there is no getting away from the fact that wheelchair users might have to make slightly different plans from traditional world travel routes. Here at Balance Mobility […]

Biggera Waters

Tweed Heads

Browns Plains
Coming December 4th

Store Details

Our Tweed Store has now moved to a larger showroom at 6&7/81 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South.