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Experienced & Knowledgable Mobility Scooter Professionals

Balance Mobility is a friendly, knowledgeable company that provides mobility scooters Gold Coast residents can buy to assist in maintaining mobility and independence. Our wide selection of high-quality, safe and reliable mobility scooters are available for short- or long-term hire. If needed, you can also hire accessories to customise your scooter experience.

For clients who aren’t sure what type of scooter is going to be best for their needs, we’re happy to provide recommendations, based on our knowledge and experience. Clients are invited to try the scooters out before making a final decision.

Call for details on (07) 5536 8841 (Tweed Heads) or (07) 5679 0058 (Biggera Waters).

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When Might You Want a Mobility Scooter?

There are numerous circumstances in which a mobility scooter is going to be the best option. Some of these include:

  • The need to make longer trips than can be comfortably managed in a wheelchair.
  • An inability to manage transfers into and out of a car.
  • A temporary need to “take things easy”, perhaps following a fall, surgery or during a period of convalescence.
  • Physical impairment means wheelchair use isn’t practical.
  • The need for a mobility aid for protracted tasks such as shopping.
  • If you wish to go out in inclement weather, a scooter can be adapted to provide waterproof transport.
  • Scooters can be used when users wish to carry a considerable amount of luggage.
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Our Different Types of Mobility Scooters

Mobility scooters are powered by an electric engine. The more powerful the engine, the larger the range.

Balance Mobility currently offers a choice of four different mobility scooters:

The Colibri

With a range of 16km and a top speed of 8kph, this little scooter is relatively light (39kg without the battery). It can be easily disassembled for car storage. Features include a front basket. This is perfect for use on flat surfaces for relatively short distances. It’s also small enough to be used indoors if required.


A larger scooter, Leo is packed with features. Its maximum range is 36km and it has a top speed of 8kph. Features include an adjustable suspension, a handbrake, front and rear lights and speed reduction controls. If you intend to travel long distances outdoors, this is ideal.

The Comet Alpine+

Able to navigate more challenging terrain successfully, this scooter has a maximum speed of 10kph and a range of 49km. It’s designed to take mud, puddles, gradients and uneven ground in its stride. The Alpine+ comes with FREE roadside assist, as well as a FREE safety vest and safety flag.

The Comet Ultra

This is a robust scooter designed for bigger bodies, up to 220kg. Its top speed is 10kph and the Comet Ultra has a 58km range.

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What to Expect When You Buy a Mobility Scooter?

What to expect when you hire a mobility scooter from the team at Balance Mobility:

  • Obliging, compassionate service.
  • Free delivery.
  • Flexible hire terms.
  • High-grade scooters in top condition.
  • Accessories are available to make your scooter journeys more comfortable.
  • Knowledgeable and responsive team that is on hand to solve any issues that arise with your scooter.

To find out more, call on (07) 5536 8841 (Tweed Heads) or (07) 5679 0058 (Biggera Waters).

Biggera Waters

Tweed Heads

Browns Plains
Coming December 4th

Store Details

Our Tweed Store has now moved to a larger showroom at 6&7/81 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South.